April is Autism Awareness Month and April 2nd is World Autism Awarenss Day but many people don’t even know what autism is.
There is no one type of Autism. There are MANY subtypes of Autism. Because Autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The ways in which people with autism learn, think and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged. Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently. (Autism Speaks)
1 in every 54 children in the United States are affected by Autism and we are learning more and more everyday, mainly because parents and individuals who have been affected by autism are telling their stories.
Light it up blue this month and every month in support of families with autism and TELL YOUR STORIES! You may be the one who helps us understand the beauty, the gift, the challenges of people with Autism.
Here is a beautiful Autism story:
He is more than Autism… He is brave, funny, wise, unique, creative, aware, loving, blessed, talented, exceptional, silly, smart, and so much more!
Ruby, Mom of Angel
Autism can be tough but individuals with autism are beautiful and have so much to teach us! Take time today to get to know someone with Autism today!